The Monforte d’Alba terroir at ProWein 2017 with Amalia Cascina in Langa


The Amalia Cascina in Langa wine estate will be present at the international ProWein event this year too, and it will be Paolo Boffa, the estate’s owner, who will be presenting the wines he produces in Monforte d’Alba.

The strengths he will be making use of to win over the wine public present at the event are crystal clear – hard work and a terroir which is ideal for vines.

These are the two tools which, together with expertise and incessant work, have made Amalia Cascina’s wines some of the best known and best appreciated by the Italian wine critics:

22nd place for Barbera d’Alba 2015 in Guida I Vini d’Italia 2017 of L’Espresso’s 100 best quality/price ratio wines to buy;

a double Corona (crown) for Barolo Le Coste di Monforte 2011 in the Guida Vinibuoni d’Italia 2017;

a Gold Ribbon (over 95 points) for the preview for Barolo Le Coste di Monforte 2012 from Huon Hooke, one of Australia’s most prestigious wine writers and critics;

92/100 from Daniele Cernilli, alias Doctor Wine, at the preview for Barolo Le Coste di Monforte 2012 in Guida Essenziale ai Vini d’Italia 2017.

This Dusseldorf Fair is an opportunity to put ourselves to the test once again with top, selected international tasters in addition to wines:

Dolcetto 2015

Barbera d’Alba 2015

Langhe Rossese Bianco 2014

Langhe Nebbiolo 2015

Barolo 2012

Barolo Le Coste 2012

wines previewed:

Langhe Rossese Bianco 2015

Langhe Nebbiolo 2016

Barolo 2013

Barolo Bussia 2013

Amalia Cascina in Langa will also be present at the international ProWein fair in Dusseldorf in Pavilion 15 – A41 block – stand 64 from Sunday 19th to Tuesday 21st March.

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Giornalista, Sommelier, ha lavorato al Gambero Rosso per oltre 10 anni come giornalista, degustatrice per la Guida ai Vini d’Italia, autore e regista dei servizi televisivi per il Gambero Rosso Channel, autore di libri su vino, cucina e turismo. Ha partecipato al progetto di rilancio del brand Franciacorta e nel 2006 ha fondato Vinotype, un’agenzia di comunicazione specializzata per le Aziende vitivinicole. Nel 2010 ha lanciato il magazine on line

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